iHemp Summit

X Hemp 


Andi Lucas is the founder of X-Hemp Pty Ltd, Tasmania’s only hemp fibre processing facility, one of a small handful currently operational in the country and the only 100% female-owned and operated facility of this type in the world.


After securing pre-seed capital in 2021 from a network of 33 private lenders, X-Hemp Pty Ltd were ready to scale and are currently in the middle of their first equity raise.


X-Hemp has secured supply lines, overcome numerous start-up challenges, and more than doubled the number of hempcrete homes built in Tasmania over the last decade in the last two years. This was critical to Andi, the founder of NSP Development, as she is currently developing several properties in her personal portfolio using hempcrete, and having just completed Tasmania’s first luxury short-term holiday rental villas using locally grown-and-processed material from X-Hemp’s factory on Bruny Island. These properties serve as a showcase for the amazing crop that is hemp, allowing guests to experience and use hemp-made bed linen, bathroom products, pantry, fridge, and bar cart consumables, garden mulch, and rope.


After working part-time in the role of Executive Officer for the Tasmanian Hemp Association since January 2020, Andi stepped in as elected president in September 2022 and absolutely loved the work she is doing within this organisation. Alongside the other eight elected Board Members, the THA are focused on growing this nascent industry in Tasmania and mainland Australia, working closely with their many members – Grower, Corporate, Associate and Supporter – to represent their interests.